lørdag den 5. december 2009

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Making money with Twitter, The Easy Way.
December 5, 2009 at 9:30 pm

Ok the first thing you need to do is get a realistic pic of a girl for your twitter accounts, you can use the same pic for each account. You can get this pretty much anywere.(Will have more success in others and my opinion).

Now that you have gotten your pic you are gonna go to www.Twitter.com and make ten twitter accounts with girl names/users. If you get stumped trying to come up with names try adding numbers to the end like so "emilygirl159". When it asks you for an email just make up some fake email for each account since twitter does not req. you to have a valid email.

Now that you have your 10 twitter accounts, complete with your pic of a realistic girl, it's time to get some followers!!! Download the Friend Adder and unzip it. Save anywhere you like. My virus scan of the downloaded file.

Ok now that we have downloaded the Friend Adder lets get some followers!!! Open your friend adder we downloaded. It will look like this.

Now this is important as other guides have made this unclear. You can only add 500 people every 24 hours so make sure its been 24 hours or else your twitter account will get flagged and banned. For the best results I HIGHLY suggest doing this every 24 hours.

Now you have to post on your twitter accounts so you dont look like a bot. This is simple go to http://hellotxt.com and sign up, its free! This allows you to post on all ten accounts at one time!!! isnt that kool!!!

I suggest updating this 2-3 times a day.

Finally we have gotten to the part were we sign up on the site that is going to pay us. Go to RevTwt and sign up. You will see a page like so...

Once you have signed up click the button that says Twitter Accts, I will highlight it in the next pic.


Time to set up the auto posts...

Congradulations you are done!!!! Keep adding friends everday and updating your status and watch the cash flow.


-Do NOT click your own posts or tell people to click them or else revtwt will ban u.
-Each click is worth anywhere from 15-30cents depending on the ad.
-This method DOES take about a month to reach its peak, so just keep at it and you will see more and more money every day.
-Don't add more than 500 friends every 24 hours or else your twitter account will be locked.

Very VERY important!!!!!
-You have to have 50 followers on each account before you can start putting up ads!!!

I hope this guide was helpful and easy to understand. Please comment and rate! Have fun seeing that cash flow!!!

How much does your auto-responder system cost?
December 5, 2009 at 9:19 pm

Look - i'm a noob or at least i still don't know as much as most of you. I tried the online auto-responder systems and eventually i was paying $130.00/month for 10,000+ contacts...

NOT ANYMORE!! I know some people on here have already joined the ranks of GVO, but for the people who haven't the auto-responder system ALONE is worth purchasing the monthly subscription of $44.95.


Here's what's included:

1. A pro auto responder service like aweber
2. Unlimited Video Hosting and creation tools
3. A full lead capture and prospecting system
4. A VoIP conference room like Webex
5. UNLIMITED domain hosting in state
of the art data center!
6. Master resell rights to their amazing software
competition witness

I want to say - made by blackhatters for blackhatters - but i have no proof that anyone from this forum was involved. Either way, its damn genius and I wouldn't be surprised.


So that's my affiliate link - no need to hide it because you're smart enough to figure it out if i were. If nothing else, signup for the two week trial for $1.

Seriously, just check it out!! You can host as many websites or resell the services to your own clients and make a profit.


Best Account Maker?!?!
December 5, 2009 at 9:12 pm

Is there a youtube account maker that makes the account then subscribes then moves on? If not what is the best youtube account maker?

How soon after publishing a site can you start blasting it with traffic?
December 5, 2009 at 9:12 pm

I've been working on a site for quite some time and now everything is in place. Obviously I don't want to hang around and immediatly start getting traffic. However as I have not published it yet its not indexed by google. Will they sandbox me if I start sending 500 visitors a day to it?

Kimbo Slice Fighting Right Now On Spike TV
December 5, 2009 at 9:08 pm

Lol I know he sucks compared to everyone else but whatever

its on spike or if you dont pay for cable like me you can watch it on



Oh yah I think Kimbos going to win and its other fighters right now but the fight is coming up and there are some good fight tongiht

social bookmarking auto-submitter
December 5, 2009 at 9:04 pm

Is there such a program? Has anyone released an imacro script to do this? I've been using socialmarks.com but it is only about 40 social bookmarking sites. Thanks

Zippo and Shot Glasses
December 5, 2009 at 8:59 pm

Please list any sites you have for wholesale zippo lighters, and shot glasses.
Looking to setup at local flea markets not ebay.

ip switch
December 5, 2009 at 8:49 pm

what else is needed besides ip switching for logins to yt? clear cookies or cache? any one know of a program that does it quickly?

Tiger Woods Beatdown: The Aftermath (video)
December 5, 2009 at 8:22 pm


>> 25 FREE PVAs <<
December 5, 2009 at 8:10 pm

First of all, above anything else. I would like to welcome my old friend Sessions here to BHW. I have known him about 5 years and I have yet to meet a better VB programmer than him. Welcome bro!!!

On that note, him and I have been working very hard lately on streamlining and automating our PVA creation methods. Because of his help, we made a recent breakthrough and are now able to make 10 times more PVAs than I was able to provide earlier. Due to the sheer amount of Phone Verified Accounts we are making daily, the only problem we are having now is getting all the 1st posts done on them each day. After talking it over with him we have decided to drop our prices for people who can accept brand new PVAs without the first posts done on them. Check out my signature link if interested in this...

Last but not least, because it is the holiday season, we have decided to give away 25 PVAs to the first people that reply to this thread. You need to have at least 10 posts to qualify for this giveaway and only 1 PVA per person. Keep in mind that these PVAs will not have the 1st post done on them so if you get one, you'll need to post on it right away to lock it into PVA status.

Spam Comment . does it give effect to seo?
December 5, 2009 at 8:05 pm

for example:i spam comment to a ten thousand blogs with my url
90% of wordpress comment are nofollow.
Does it give effect too seo?or increase my serp?

feedburner + autoblog + wordpress
December 5, 2009 at 7:54 pm

What wordpres plugin should I use to autopost very short (1-2 sentences) from a feedburner rss feed?

What wordpress theme would be good to do that? I would like one with the feeds in the middle and column left and a column righy.

first adwords campaign
December 5, 2009 at 7:43 pm

When I setup the destination url, can I put the affiliate url or do I need to make a landing page?

Auto Clear Cookies
December 5, 2009 at 7:38 pm

Auto Clear Cookies is a powerful cookies cleaner which enables you to wipe cookies from a single website or domain name, or purge all browser cookies from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. If you are tired of deleting all your cookies when you want to clear the cookies of just one website, then Auto Clear Cookies is right for you. Remove cookies by domain name or part of a domain. For example, type "facebook" and press the "Delete Cookies" button to wipe all cookies from www.facebook.com, login.facebook.com, and all sites that contains the word "facebook".

Auto Clear Cookies is very useful if a website or forum has banned you or is monitoring your online activity with tracking cookies. This powerful cookies cleaner can also wipe ALL cookies from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Auto Clear Cookies also allows you to un-ban yourself on many websites and "reset" your website status with a given domain. By safely wiping unwanted cookies from your PC, Auto Clear Cookies provides a powerful level of protection guarding your online privacy.

This tool may be specially usefull for manual posting on craigslist.

download :


December 5, 2009 at 7:32 pm

hello friends i'm new here

Desperate need of advise on affiliate launch
December 5, 2009 at 7:28 pm

I do not even know where to begin. I am doing my 1st product launch as an affiliate and have been set in the top 10 on google for about 1 month. The launch is next week. Well over night I have been bumped off from #6 to #15. Granted I been at #2 spot for 3 weeks.

Well I update my site atleast 1, some times 2 times a day. Post to 86 sites with senuke almost every day and have over 800 back links. (granted most are at PR0 sites). I have outgoing links to about 15 top pr5 and pr 6 sites inside expanding text so will not be easy to click on and leave my page.

Questions I have

#1 How can a page that has not been updated in in over 2 weeks pass me up with only 8 back links.

#2 other sites have an average of 8 to 30 backlinks , I have over 800 but yet they passed me up.

#3 my site to my eyes just looks plain better than the other sites but they passed me p.

#4 I made a video from the product that i edited and uploaded to youtube 1st then 3 days later someone uploaded the same exact video and yet he ranks higher than me with the video.

#5 Other youtube video have an average of 8 to 20 views with no rankings. I have over 60 views with 50 or so 5 start ratings but yet I still got passed up on my video.

What the hell is going on. Is there any hope to get back in my top spot? I just do not understand. the more i do and post the more i dop in the rankings.

Top all this off with looks bad in older version of firefox and internet explorer but great in updated versions, Even checked with screenshots and it seems to work great with 90% of the browsers just not good in older version of explorer and firefox. Good thing is most of my traffic is using updated firefox.

I type in exact product name in google and I show I am #14 and #15 (was at 3 and 6 for a month) Then a guy from uk checked same exact product name in google and i show up as #1 and #2 on his browser we exchanged screen shots to prove it. Weird

What can I do to get back in my top position? I am desperate. My Goal is to make 1 sell since this is my first product launch.

Email help. Maybe you can tell me.
December 5, 2009 at 7:26 pm

I have been using hot*mail/g*mail/y*ahoo with mailer software in an effort to send my mailings. For awhile had done very well however most recently it seems that I have not been able to get my mails out with this method as I use too. Something tells that nowadays sending 10k's of emails daily through hotmail/gmail etc doesn't work as it use too. I think the issue has to do with the same ip address mailing through thousands of different free email accounts. These free Email Service Providers are presently capping the amount of emails that can be sent through these free email services on a daily basis. The help I am asking is if this assumption is correct. The fix that I have thought of is to move to a mailer that has proxy or ip rotator capability in order to counter act the daily cap being placed on users by the free email services. Can anyone here validate these thoughts and assumptions and if I am correct or not can anyone suggest the software or mailing setup I need in place in order to continue mailing. Thank you everyone!!

hey, ......
December 5, 2009 at 7:19 pm

This place, fucken rocks, I can tell!!!!!!!!!

here's something to flag.
December 5, 2009 at 7:09 pm


Need a Mailer
December 5, 2009 at 7:03 pm

Hi Guys..

I need a mailer for a service dealing with promoting a music site. Since music is the reason most of us purchased a computer, I doubt the list needs to be targeted.

What's important is INBOX ratio and logs. A big plus if I can send HTML and/or pics as opposed to just text.

PM me if your serious only.

Note: I keep getting pm's in the wrong directly. Unless it's not clear, I'm looking for a mailer service, not software. :)


Please take a look at this!
December 5, 2009 at 6:27 pm

I made a blog with an ugly layout because it is supposed help with getting more clicks and all seems to be good except on the homepage. Can someone please take a look at this blog and tell me what you see that may be causing me to get german language ads that have nothing to do with the content I am having posted? All other pages have relevant ads except the home page. This has been going on for three days now, they are not becoming relevant :(



Anyone have experience buying Youtube views/ratings?
December 5, 2009 at 6:10 pm

What would you personally recommend? I see advertisements for this sort of thing all over this board but I'd like to hear from people who've actually used them and what they thought about it.

EDIT: I'm looking to buy accounts too. If anyone can sell me accounts, send me a PM.

Impression-based - I have a website with lots of traffic and no conversions-recomendation?
December 5, 2009 at 6:07 pm

anyone ever use a service that pays per impression?

havent gone down this path in years


Auto Forum Poster
December 5, 2009 at 5:52 pm

Hey guys,

I've looked around through Search and can't find anything that works properly or doesnt have a virus. Can anyone suggest any good auto forum poster? Preferabally something that posts to multiple platforms.


Anybody Know of a Software that Does This? I'd Use it to Autorespond to CL Leads
December 5, 2009 at 5:42 pm

I'm looking for an auto responder that can have a timed delay to respond to emails 24 hours after I receive the initial email.

I downloaded EZ AutoResponder, but I can't set the delay to any longer than 20 minutes... I need to set it to respond 1,440 minutes after I receive the initial email (24 hours).

Any ideas?

Need mass wordpress tool
December 5, 2009 at 5:36 pm

I need a tool, that I can log into and get me in the dashboard easy of all my wordpress sites.

Also It should have a capability to post to all blogs etc.

I have checked
And wordpress mass installer

Any great programs that any of you BHW users are using or if you know of a good one for me to check out.


Welp, I quit my job today!
December 5, 2009 at 5:32 pm

Yah, at a time where 10% of americans are without jobs, i chose to quit mine. lol

Been feeling for sometime I could be making more online *6-10k a month* if i had actual time to put into it.

Works been gettin wierd lately, everyones walking on eggshells not to get fired, the stress levels are going through the roof. I just couldnt take it anymore.

So, I quit my job :) And Im diving in head first to more work online.

Wish me Luck!


Alternative to WPGuardian?
December 5, 2009 at 5:27 pm

Is there an alternative codebreaker script for use on non-WP sites and php driven sites?


US Backlinks to German Site
December 5, 2009 at 5:26 pm


I optimize my websites for german SERPs. On the one hand that is very googd because SEO in german are very low skilled because in Germany Communities like blackhatworld with known facts not exist. But on the other hand my bought SEO tools autopligg, prstrom, LFE use US-Backlinks predominant and the best backlink sources come also from the USA. What is the effect of these foreign-language backlinks? Does google use some damping factor for them or will google de-index or classify my pages wrong? What is the accept limit in percentage of foreign-language backlinks?

Sry for my low english skills.

Baby Steps
December 5, 2009 at 5:24 pm

Been working hard the past couple days on a couple of blogs. Refreshed the design, changed where the adsense locations are, and bam - same traffic, more clicks :D

Thanks to this forum for the inspiration <3 *group hug*

December 5, 2009 at 5:21 pm

ive asked this question a few times but so far no reply
is there a set post count u must have to be able to use
a custom avatar? and does the same apply to having a
sig? because in my cp i can see avatar but no option to
upload 1 nor is there a sig option.. are these tied to a certain
post count b4 u can have them?

Freebies sites
December 5, 2009 at 5:12 pm


I see many freebies sites around. How do they actually setup in terms of getting those deals from the companies? Do they contact the companies themselves?


New Here.. Need Some Marketing Advice
December 5, 2009 at 5:11 pm

Hey guys.. I came accross this forum searching for ways to market my SEO franchise and have been following a couple threads and I must say that I am amazed by the friendliness and the willingness to share great information here. I really look forward to becoming a part of this community and learning from everyone.

Anyways.. I just got my hands on an Internet Marketing franchise (a company that has been in business for over 7 years) and am planning on ways to market it to small businesses in my city and around the country. The service that I'm pushing right now is a package with year on the first page of the Google Local listings under 3 keywords, a Google411 and Google Text listing, and a 30 second customized video commercial. All I am doing is finding customers. I do not personally do any of the SEO.. there is a team of specialists that take care of everything. I have done ok so far just cold calling and meeting with a local business, 3 new clients in total this past week, but I want this business to really blow up. I'm talking at least 25 to 30 consistent new clients a week. So my question is how would you guys market this to local businesses around the city I live in and the country?

Also.. if anyone is interested in marketing this and finding clients for me it would definitely be very lucrative for the both of us. PM me for more details.

QUESTION - Anybody want to recommend a RANK TRACKER that makes pretty graphs for clients ?
December 5, 2009 at 5:11 pm

Thanks for reading.

I want to show my clients how there rankings are increasing in the SERPS

Several programs do it

But I haven't found one that makes pretty graphs that i'm happy with, and does long term tracking yet?

I think I just got lucky...
December 5, 2009 at 5:09 pm

I purchased a domain on a whim and dumped some adsense crap on it and didn't really do anything with it except make a few posts on CL. After about 1 or 2 months, I'm getting on avg 3500 hits.

Did I just happen upon a fluke? What is the best way to take advantage of it?



Need advice- sensetive question pm me plz
December 5, 2009 at 5:02 pm

Hey guys, I need some advice from someone who is doing well with youtube. Please pm me, so that I can ask you my question!

Need Help Bulk Mailing Hotmail?
December 5, 2009 at 4:47 pm

Hello i need some help with bulk mailing..I can Harvest emails from websites pretty easily..its just mailing that im stuck on..i would like to mail prob 10,000 emails a day at most.the thing is i want to use Hotmail because Gmail is just to hard making accounts..if someone could help me pm me..maybe we can get on aim or sumthn..thx

thumbnails issue
December 5, 2009 at 4:39 pm

Hi BHW.......
Can someone tell me how to display thumbnails for posts like in thumbnails on the sites like


For few posts the thumbnails are small and for few they are large as in a full post....

If it is a plugin or what......
Please help me with this.... will be great help
Thank you

First Listing on Ebay, Need 1 Minute from you!
December 5, 2009 at 4:32 pm

I'm new to ebay and I just placed my first listing on ebay, What i want to ask is what will I do to attract people to my auctions?

I've provided my auction link so, please tell me if you find any mistake in my auction.

I also want to sell DVDs in future, could you tell me what are the important things that I should know?


If I made this niche finding tool for free, would anyone use it?
December 5, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Still scraping data but it's almost done.

Need Help From An AC VET
December 5, 2009 at 4:16 pm

I'm looking to hire someone to bring in traffic to my articles. I'm willing to pay $1.50 / 1000 Views. I Will basically forfeit all performance pays to you. Keep in mind that I will only pay for clicks that have been counted for by AC. I will be submitting around 40 articles a day. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.


Looking for free banner images
December 5, 2009 at 4:13 pm

...and the graphics are related to certain topics, like Pets & Animals, Automotive, Health etc.

Prefer in photoshop format if possible.

If anyone can help me out, its greatly appreciated.

Google Wave Invite GiveAway
December 5, 2009 at 4:06 pm

Hi there,
Ive been looking at this forum for a while now,learning and reading about blackhat SEO, as ive never posted a thread , i thought i would give away my google invites as my first thread :)
First come first Serve - i got 5 left

thanks wolder

xrumer smart or not
December 5, 2009 at 4:01 pm

I have a White Hat Site and i was just wondering what all your opinions are on this matter:

Is it wise to say blast out all the backlinks that already show up in yahoo site explorer as well as all my articles?

will this help me or hurt me?

[help]hw to explain blank referrers to AM?
December 5, 2009 at 3:57 pm

i made a thousand bucks using some BH methods with a cpa account.
all the sales were made by blanking the referrers. my AM is suspicious about the traffic source.
pls help me out in this.
i cn share the chat log between me n my AM in private...
i dnt want to lose my hard earned money.

Setup FS*Revo*lution locally anyone?
December 5, 2009 at 3:54 pm

I want to run a version of FS*R locally to test new templates and code mods.

However, I'm having some probs with the PHP files not parsing, and downloading with the old "application/x-httpd-php" message.

I'm using Appserv.

Has anyone else tried installing locally?

PS - sorry if this was an inappropriate cat to post in? Wasn't to sure where I'd put it.

Yahoo Sells Your Private Email/IM Chat Contents to U.S. Agencies
December 5, 2009 at 3:53 pm

Yahoo Sells All Its Users Private Email Contents to U.S. Agencies for Small Price

Something Mathaba has alleged since 10 years, has now come into the open with the proof of U.S. email companies spying on their users.
(Mathaba) Yahoo isn’t happy that a detailed menu of the spying services it provides to "law enforcement" and spy agencies has leaked onto the web.

After earlier reports this week that Yahoo had blocked an FOIA Freedom of Information release of its "law enforcement and intelligence price list", someone helpfully provided a copy of the Yahoo company’s spying guide to the whistleblower web site Cryptome.org.

The 17-page guide, which Yahoo has tried to suppress via legal letters to the Cryptome.org site run by the brave freedom of information champion John Young, describes Yahoo’s policies on keeping the data of Yahoo Email and Yahoo Groups users, as well as the surveillance and spying capabilities it can give to the U.S. government and its agencies.

The Yahoo document is a price list for these spying services and will hopefully result in ignorant government leaders and officials around Africa, Asia and Latin America who widely use Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail which are Email spying services hosted on U.S. computers.

Mathaba is aware of a great many business people, politicians and even Presidents who use the "free" web-based email services of Yahoo for their Email communications, thus making it easy for the U.S. and its owners - the Jewish Zionist Mafia - to spy on them with negligible cost.

Cryptome also published lawful data-interception guides for Cox Communications, SBC, Cingular, Nextel, GTE and other telecoms and Internet service providers.

But of all those companies, it appears to be Yahoo’s lawyers alone who have been stupid enough to try to issue a "DMCA takedown notice" to Cryptome demanding the document be removed. Yahoo claims that publication of the document is a copyright violation, and gave Cryptome owner John Young a Thursday deadline for removing the document.

We estimate Yahoo stand a near-zero chance of success given that Young has thousands of intelligence and other leaked documents on his site and in the past decade has yet to remove a single document upon legal threats, the same 10-year track record held by Mathaba on documents on British Intelligence in spite of having computers seized and properties raided.

Mathaba is now also hosting the Yahoo leaked document on its servers around the world, and the cat is long out of the bag with the original document having been downloaded and distributed by many already.

When John Young was asked if there was anything he wouldn't reveal on his site -- a fault in the President's Secret Service detail, for instance -- he said, "Well, I'm actually looking for that information right now", much to the chagrin of those who believe that the U.S. government and its hopelessly corrupt agencies should have a right to supress information from the public.

The Compliance Guide reveals, as has been known to Mathaba prior to the leak via our own sources, that Yahoo does not retain a copy of e-mails that an account holder sends unless that customer sets up the account to store those e-mails. Yahoo also cannot search for or produce deleted e-mails once they’ve been removed from a user’s trash folder.

The guide also reveals that the company retains the IP addresses from which a user logs in for just one year. But the company’s logs of IP addresses used to register new accounts for the first time go back to 1999. The contents of accounts on Flickr, the photo sharing and storage site which Yahoo also owns, are purged as soon as a user deactivates the account.

Chats conducted through the company’s Web Messenger service may be saved on Yahoo’s server if one of the parties in the correspondence set up their account to archive chats. This pertains to the web-based version of the chat service, however. Yahoo does not save the content of chats for consumers who use the downloadable Web Messenger client on their computer.

Instant message logs are retained 45 to 60 days and includes an account holder’s friends list, and the date and times the user communicated with them.

Young responded to Yahoo’s takedown request with a defiant note:

I cannot find at the Copyright Office a grant of copyright for the Yahoo spying document hosted on Cryptome. To assure readers Yahoo’s copyright claim is valid and not another hoary bluff without substantiation so common under DMCA bombast please send a copy of the copyright grant for publication on Cryptome.

Until Yahoo provides proof of copyright, the document will remain available to the public for it provides information that is in the public interest about Yahoo’s contradictory privacy policy and should remain a topic of public debate on ISP unacknowledged spying complicity with officials for lucrative fees.

Note: Yahoo’s exclamation point is surely trademarked so omitted here.

The company responded that a copyright notice is optional for works created after March 1, 1989 and repeated its demand for removal on Thursday. For now, the document remains on the Cryptome site.

Threat Level reported Tuesday that muckraker and Indiana University graduate student Christopher Soghoian had asked all agencies within the Department of Justice, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, to provide him with a copy of the pricing list supplied by telecoms and internet service providers for the surveillance services they offer government agencies. But before the agencies could provide the data, Verizon and Yahoo intervened and filed an objection on grounds that the information was proprietary and that the companies would be ridiculed and publicly shamed were their surveillance price sheets made public.

Yahoo wrote in its objection letter that if its pricing information were disclosed to Soghoian, he would use it “to ’shame’ Yahoo! and other companies — and to ’shock’ their customers.”

“Therefore, release of Yahoo!’s information is reasonably likely to lead to impairment of its reputation for protection of user privacy and security, which is a competitive disadvantage for technology companies,” the company added.

The price list that Yahoo tried to prevent the government from releasing to Soghoian appears in one small paragraph in the 17-page leaked document. According to this list, Yahoo charges the government about $30 to $40 for the contents, including e-mail, of a subscriber’s account. It charges $40 to $80 for the contents of a Yahoo group.

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other U.S. "social networking" sites are at minimum providing information in similar fashion to U.S. agencies, and in some cases have also received substantial funding by U.S. government related entities as a most efficient and cost-effective means of spying on their users around the world. -- Source

Looking for CL casual leads?
December 5, 2009 at 3:48 pm

Wanting to buy w4m leads, m4m leads. Basically if u can get the leads and they're not used, I'll design a method for them so hit me up with your prices and refs:


how many "digg" articles per day?
December 5, 2009 at 3:41 pm

hi there all

I see under the same author on digg or
even blogctatalog

I might find anywhere from 3 to 10 blogs posted on a given day
by the author, most for the same subject
I thought that type of acitivity would get you banned?

just trying to get a "feel" & understand

any feedback greatly appreciated !

hali ~:)

Opened an adwords account with a coupon for 100.00
December 5, 2009 at 3:39 pm

I opened the account last night because it was going to go down to 75.00 after the 4th. I created a campaign and have it set to go out on the 7th, however I would like to postpone this even longer as I have no expirence with adwords.

Can I do this without the value of the coupon dropping?


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